01 January 2016


Die Sonne schneit Farben.
Die Einen pennen ihren Silvester Rausch raus, die Anderen schmiegen sich im Neujahrskonzert an der schönen blauen Donau, ich male im Morgentauen, 150x150cm ::

(mUSIC bY The BYRDS, The Notorious Byrd Brothers, Change is Now, your video has been blocked in some countries. Copyrighted content was found in your video. Viewing restrictions, because of the claimant's policy, this video can't be played in these countries: Germany, Switzerland, aber hier ist der Ton Link, Originally released 1967 ::)


(coming, but not 2morrow, vorher folgen Sommernachtsträume vom vorigen Sommer 2015)

Again funny: Videos are blocked, later on not, it seems all 3 videos are watchable (in 2024)

Kent Rockwell's athletic brushwork and daring color dissonances and decidedly reactionary:

 from Alaska—uniformly  horizontal  studies of light and color— painter Rockwell Kent - Artist in Greenland - Baltimore Art Museum ............