07 June 2015

The Ultimate AC/DC Concert

Blitz, Donner, Regengüsse in Zürich :: Achtung nass :: Flashing Lights and rolling thunders, Wetterleuchten, 3000 Blitze und Donner an diesem Abend, Rekord, noch nie gegeben, !! During most of the concert over the Letzigrund stadium, towards the end it started to rain, shortly after the rainstorm and thunderstorm started and pouring rain, gusty winds and and and and thunder, all spectators wet to the skin, an unforgettable concert. The concert ended 3 songs early. Some passed by on foot, bicycles, running, but still singing, chanting, juchzend and and and in the pouring rain, the Rock and Rollers are still the best and happiest around us. Let there be rock.

Kent Rockwell's athletic brushwork and daring color dissonances and decidedly reactionary:

 from Alaska—uniformly  horizontal  studies of light and color— painter Rockwell Kent - Artist in Greenland - Baltimore Art Museum ............