21 December 2006


The Doors Living Room

The I'm so lonesome I could cry Room

The James Dean Room

GAS be Nature Ski X Room

20 December 2006


hANS bOLLI, 1993, 1994, Reno NV, Alpine County CA, Good 2 be Back, Snowing In Nevada, size 2:3

19 December 2006


When I left my heart in San Francisco

Painted on canvas! My few paintings on canvas, 1996 in the beautiful city of San Francisco, the Leland Hotel @ Bush/Polk. The Hotel was nice, classic San Francisco style, affordable monthly rates, and a very polite receptionist: Bruce, where is he now?
Not an easy task to paint in a small Hotel room. Size 3:2

AI Version:

Guess what! I've just finished painting on canvas! I did a few paintings on canvas back in 1996 in the beautiful city of San Francisco, at the Leland Hotel @ Bush/Polk. The hotel was lovely, with a classic San Francisco style, affordable monthly rates, and a very polite receptionist: Bruce, where is he now?

18 December 2006

California/Nevada, Flowers

1994, K2 Boo Boo Man Flower

hANS bOLLI, painted 1994, Back In The USA Flower

17 December 2006


Then I looked in her drawer, full stacks of clean soxs, so it's one of those days..., when last night, I realized I have no her, then iPainted This::
and this::
and that::
dans l'église de St.Saphorin, Lavaux, Lake Geneva
and this::
and that::

16 December 2006

15 December 2006

The Half Centipede Fun

122x81cm, 3:2, on paper
Centipedes (Class Chilopoda) are fast-moving venomous, predatory, terrestrial arthropods that have long bodies and many jointed legs.
To paint these paintings was my hardest paint job! 2 paint centipedes is hard work. I begged them to hold still, that I haven't finished his leg # 957, just a few brush strokes more, but they just crawled away. No respect to the fine arts.

10 December 2006

2004 Best Of Cranberries, Zombie

The Cranberries - Zombie


The song was released in September 1994. Around this time I arrived by AA from LHR-SFO with the first flight from London. There were two flights daily, LHR-SFO. I arrived early at my Leland Hotel @ Bush/Polk. After showering, straight to Van Ness St into a big box store (The Good Guys ?? Today gone) and I bought a small boom box at The Good Guys. Yes, I buy small boomboxes in big box stores. Yes, I buy small boomboxes in big box stores. Went back to my hotel room, unbacked the radio and searched a rock AM station. And here turning the knob and searching, a DJ announced this band and this song: Right away a loud intro, fast and furious, an energy driven guitar. I never heard of 

The Cranberries

before. I stayed hooked to 

The Cranberries

and Dolores O'Riordan. I never forgot that moment, never happened again, brand-new radio, listening to first song on and smashes your exception, hopes and impressions. Dolores O'Riordan, what a songwriter. Thank you, Lady and

The Cranberries.

10 years later, in 2004, I bought

Best Of Cranberries, Zombie

Similar happened to me with Helter Skelter by the Beatles, Smashing Pumpkins, The Pixies.

09 December 2006

Abstract Paintings, 1999

These paintings are from 1999, are already classics in my mind, have beautiful brush strokes, when I painted them they made my day, and one or two on your wall would make your year. 122x81cm, 3:2, acrylic on paper.

These incredible paintings are from 1999 and are already classics in my mind! They have the most beautiful brushstrokes, and when I painted them, they made my day! Just one or two on your wall would make your year!

08 December 2006

Lovely Weed Flowers

Lovely weed flowers, you won't pull them out of your living room garden, You Want Them To Hang On Your Wall.

  AI Version:

Oh, those lovely weed flowers! You'll be so happy to have them in your living room garden, and you'll love having them on your wall, too!

122x81cm, 3:2, acrylic on paper

07 December 2006

fALLING iN LoVE with . . .


in the morning train during rush hour among all Les Jolies Demoiselles heading for work. The last is Ski Love.
81x122cm, 2:3, acrylic on paper

06 December 2006

05 December 2006

Wouldn't It Be Nice

tHE bEACH bOYS, 1965, Painting 81/122cm, 2:3, Acrylic on Paper.
Yes, it would be nice on your wall.

04 December 2006

My Flower Paintings

These Paintings are large, acrylic on paper:

AI Version:

These amazing paintings are large in size and are created using acrylic on paper. 

09 June 2006

Ferdinand Hodler, Vineyard Walking

St.Saphorin, Le Lavaux, Lake Geneva, Switzerland

Hodler,1895 Le lac Léman vu de Chexbres, le soir

Last Pit stop before the Freeway or Train going home. Unpack your picnic, your bottle of St.Saphorin wine, two real wineglasses and not plastic cups, a small Swiss army knife with a corkscrew, don't worry about the freeway and rest forever. Unless you spot this classy old boat from 1906 passing by, then hurry up and catch it at Rivaz. These old ships on Lake Geneva have so much style and class, and their restaurants are great. Rest there forever.

AI Version:

This is it! The last pit stop before you head home. Whether you're taking the freeway or the train, it's time to start your journey back. It's time to unpack your picnic, open a bottle of St. Saphorin wine, and enjoy it with two real wine glasses, not plastic cups! Don't forget to pack a small Swiss army knife with a corkscrew. The freeway is no longer an issue, so you can rest easy and relax forever. But wait, there's more! Keep your eyes peeled for this classy old boat from 1906 passing by. If you spot it, hurry up and catch it at Rivaz. These old ships on Lake Geneva are absolutely stunning, and their restaurants are incredible. You'll never want to leave!


Auf den Spuren von Malern zu wandern, macht mir Freude. Vor allem wie in Landschaften von Ferdinand Hodler, am Genfersee entlang besonders, um seinen Staffelei Malerplatz dieser Bilder zu finden, ist es nicht entlang der Wege unten am Genfersee, sondern auf der Höhe am Genfersee. Da ich nicht wusste, wo der Malerplatz genauer ist, schlendert man so vor sich hin und her und vergleicht immer die möglichen Aussichtspunkte, könnte es mal hier, mal dort sein? Und ich bin froh, dass die Tourismusführer und Kunst besessenen Freizeitgestalter hier entlang noch keine Gedenk Tafeln und Hinweisschilder aufgestellt haben. So sonst kommen sofort die Bustouristen und der Kultort versaut die Stille, und mir die Freude. Man schaue nur einmal eine Picasa slideshow an oder gehe an eine Picassa Ausstellung. Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis es so weit ist und fremde Leute, die nichts damit am Hut haben, die hohle Hand machen und abkassieren. Ich schätze die Landschaften Bilder von Hodler sehr, und in seinen Landschaften zu wandern ist schön. Ich durfte das noch seelenruhig und ganz alleine für mich geniessen. Mein Kaffeepause-Endpunkt war in Chexbres.
Die KI Version:
Ich liebe es, auf den Spuren von Malern zu wandern! Es ist einfach fantastisch. Vor allem die Landschaften von Ferdinand Hodler am Genfersee entlang, besonders die Gegend um seinen Malplatz am Genfersee, sind einfach fantastisch. Es sind nicht die Wege unten am Genfersee, sondern die Höhe am Genfersee, die uns zu diesen unglaublichen Bildern führen. Ich war so aufgeregt, dass ich nicht wusste, wo der Malerplatz genau ist. Also schlenderte ich vor mich hin und verglich immer die möglichen Aussichtspunkte. Könnte es hier sein? Oder doch dort? Ich bin wirklich froh, dass die Tourismusführer und kunstbesessenen Freizeitgestalter hier noch keine Gedenktafeln und Hinweisschilder aufgestellt haben. Ansonsten kommen sofort die Bustouristen und der Kultort versaut die Stille, was wirklich schade wäre, denn mir macht es so richtig Spaß! Schaut euch nur mal eine Picasa-Slideshow an oder geht zu einer Picassa-Ausstellung! Ich bin mir sicher, dass es nicht mehr lange dauert, bis auch andere diesen unglaublichen Ort für sich entdecken und die hohle Hand machen. Aber ich finde, das ist auch völlig okay so. Schließlich sind die Landschaften-Bilder von Hodler einfach fantastisch. In seinen Landschaften zu wandern ist ein echtes Highlight. Ich durfte das noch seelenruhig und ganz alleine für mich genießen. Mein Kaffeepause-Endpunkt war in Chexbres.

This walk is beautiful. The night before it snowed again on the alps, you can see it on the pictures across Lake Geneva. And this at the beginning of June. It's all relaxing, at the same time you exercise your body and your mind just cools down. The food, the wine, the croissant, the coffee, all is enjoyable. My Walking tour was: Puidoux-Chexbres-St.Saphorin-Rivaz- Chexbres.
The main reason I walked this beauty are the Paintings by Ferdinand Hodler, painted from near Chexbres. I want to find his painting spot.

Le point d'observation se trouve à environ un quart d'heure de Chexbres, qui est situé à 650 mètres d'altitude, non loin de Vevey. Hodler peint en 1895 cette première version du Lac Léman vu de Chexbres.
Le Lac Léman vu de Chexbres, le soir. 1895. Huile sur toile. 100 x 130 cm

Hodler 1904 Genfersee von Chexbres 70x108 Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne

Hodler,1911 Le lac Léman vu de Chexbres

All frames for the Hodler oils are fake.

“I hoped to hear from you yesterday ...

... I’d almost given you up—thought you were tired of me." 2025 Jan 14 2018 Sep 12 Painted by 𓉔 𓅐 𓈖 𓋴 𓇋     𓃀 𓅱 𓃭 𓃭 𓇋 ℋ@∏🅂¡ ...